Common Questions

“How does someone get my card”

1. You can send your card from your smart phone, tablet, laptop, or pc to anyone via Text, E-mail, or even different messenging platforms like FB Messenger if desired.  Your card can also be accessed by going to one of our easy to remember websites that make up the My Zebra Card family.  Just enter part of your name, city, or company in the search box, for instance, and the link to your card comes up.

What’s it Cost?

 There’s a one time set up fee of $50
After that, it’s only $59.95 a year.
There are several options for payment.
For example, we take Venmo & Cash App, or you can use PayPal. Also, we have our own secure pay site you can use to send payment.
Finally, we can send you an invoice and you can mail a check to us!  
Click Here to See Our Industry Specific Digital Cards that are currently available.
Send us your information, and we’ll get back in touch as soon as possible to answer any questions, and we’ll give you a call when it’s up and upon your approval, you can choose your payment option.