Has this ever happened to you?

Have you EVER had to tell someone you don’t have a card with you?

Have you EVER lost or mis-placed someone’s card after they gave it to you?
(If it’s happened to you, you can bet your card has been lost in the same fashion.)

Have you EVER wished you had an easy way to get that application, sign up form, video, or particular web page in front of (whoever you’re talking to) right now?
How about that donate button for charitable organizations, or candidates running for office?

Have you EVER been talking to someone on the phone,  and wished you could just get that (see above) in front of them.

Have you EVER had something to change on your business card, and giving it out just caused confusion.

Was the answer, “YES”, to any of the above questions?
Most people are quilty of the very first question!


It’s tough giving someone a card if you’re talking to them on the phone! That’s a paper one, of course. Using “My Zebra Card”, you can send it to them WHILE you’re talking. Moreover, they can actually see your info while they’re talking to you. As a result, now they can access any links to articles or videos you may want them to see. In addition, they can also be directed to a form or application they may need to fill out, as well as maps and directions to your office or location.

Therefore, if you have “My Zebra Card”, it’s always available online, & the supply never runs out!   Now the only way they can lose your card is if there’s no Internet!
That’s why we say that “My Zebra Card” is the
“The Business Card That Never Gets Lost”

About the QR Code

The QR Code is placed on your card, and can also be placed anywhere in the form of a sticker, a yard sign, or even a magnet on your car.  For instance, if someone has the QR Code on their phone, they obviously can’t scan it, so there’s a link above the code that brings up your information. The best feature about your QR Code is that you can change the information yourself,  As a result, this  includes your picture or logos, the message board, or just your email address or phone numbers if needed.

Top 10 Features

1. A QR Code on ANYTHING printed makes it interactive, thereby making phone numbers, websites, social media links, and even directions to your location immediately accessible with just a tap of your finger!

2. A QR Code on TV ads enhances the opportunity for some to access your information.

3. Links can be activated to any particular pages you want someone to access directly inside your website.

4. Also, a contact form that can be filled out, eliminating exposing your e-mail address to spammers that harvest e-mail addresses.
5. Links are active to all your social media platforms.
6. If you have a store or office location, directions via GPS and a Google map can be included.
7. You or anyone else can share your card on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or WhatsApp.
8. Links to any videos or articles you may want them to see can be placed on your card.
9. Direct links to your Google, Yelp, or Trip Advisor review pages if desired.
10. Above all, our clients also love fact that ANY information can be changed at a moments notice.